Paolo Calabrese – no.14

no.14 is an unstructured, long-form composition that presents itself as an impromptu piece, building upon the creative principles of Calabrese’s previous works, such as no.6 and no.10. It reveals his fascination with sound modeling driven by instinct, aiming to emphasize connections.

no.14 features five sine tones and five triangular tones interplay within the same frequencies, creating a rich tapestry of timbral exploration. 

There are no written guidelines or specific duration for the piece. 

Calabrese’s sole direction is for the performer to start with the fundamental tone and gradually incorporate the other tones “with the only purpose of seeking a Resolution”.

The dynamic interplay of tones and the unwritten notation in no.14 can induce listeners and performers alike to constantly redefine in an endless cycle of rediscovery, and self-orientation.